Hello! Welcome to my blog, or welcome back if you have visited before! Previously, this blog was dedicated to workplace safety research, a personal passion of mine that you can read more about in my first blog post or my About page. However, this blog will be expanding beyond workplace safety research (as will the rest of my website). I am very interested in knowledge translation and dissemination, namely sharing academic research in an easy to understand way with a broader audience - which is my goal with this blog.
Moving forward, I will incorporate more on my new research focus - tattoos in the workplace!
Tattoos are also a personal passion of mine. I love tattoos and find them fascinating as a form of art. In more professional settings, I notice few people have visible tattoos. I have many tattoos, including ones that I cannot cover on my hands.
The discrepancy between myself and others in professional settings has gotten me interested in studying tattoos in the workplace to understand better the reality of being a tattooed employee or leader. My current research focuses on this topic, namely how employees perceive and behave towards coworkers and leaders with tattoos.
On my blog, I will now be sharing findings from existing research on tattoos in the workplace. The research on tattoos in the workplace has mainly focused on either (1) the impact of tattoos in hiring and selection, with findings showing mixed results (e.g., positive or negative results depending on whether tattoos fit with the organizational brand), or (2) customer perceptions of workers with tattoos. I will share short summaries of studies in this area with links to the original articles.
In addition, I will share my own findings as my research progresses, so check back for this! 🤍
Below is an image of me with some of my tattoos visible at a conference, mainly because I always wonder if tattoo researchers have tattoos themselves, and it is often hard to tell from headshots (not that tattoos are needed for legitimacy, just a personal curiosity of mine) 😊
To find blog posts on tattoos in the workplace, I will have a section for this (there is also a section to see my older posts about workplace safety).